Wordens Rooster Tail In-Line Spinner, Treble Hook


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Since the 1950’s Worden’s original Rooster Tail has been and still is one of the most productive spinners around. Used to catch just about any gamefish, the Rooster Tail’s pulsating hackle tail and attractive spinning action will make fish strike, many times when nothing else will work. Available in 10 sizes and over 100 different colors, there is a Rooster Tail just right for any fishing situation.

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206-GLDFLT, 2", 1/16 oz, Gold Flame Tiger, 206-SCHR, 2", 1/16 oz, Strobe Chartreuse, 208-GFRT, 2 1/4", 1/8 oz, Glitter Firetiger, 208-GRCA, 2 1/4", 1/8 oz, Green Caddis, 208-ORFL-P, 2 1/4", 1/8 oz, Orange Fluorescent wit


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